It takes time to figure it out what is it that keeps you going through all the problems and challenges you meet in your day to day life. Even I took time, but I realized. The same old monotonous life was driving me wild I needed to break free I needed to freak out, shout at the top of my voice get soaking wet in water and let it dry on me, I knew I wanted to have a blast.
It was a normal day, started as usual, woke up late somehow got to college in time. But the day was special in a way, it was a day before the Independence Day. The country was about to celebrate its 61st year of independence. And all I had that day was a plan with my buddies to go to an amusement park bunking the last class of mine. It was cloudy and it rained like hell, I figured out the plan is going to fail finally. Well as the day progressed after second class I left the college, when did I ever care for a class when I have to meet my friends?
We caught each other up at rithala metro station. We were almost wet the roads were flooded and we reached metrowalk mall almost wet to out knees. Hmmmmmm…. The next question arrived was are we really planning to spend 170per head for the park? But as things moved on we bought the tickets and wet in… what the hell I thought… truly I was least interested in the rides and the adventure the park promises to provide. I just paid so that I atleast I can have some good time with my buddies.
It started raining more heavy but who was here today to be dry? We got wet again took one of the most scary rides there was in the park. You see the rides were scary as hell and for those people who have seen all parts of the movie call "The Final Destination" it was an absolute wreck. Amazing I had in my mind.... if we die here we will die together, funny feeling when you are out for fun with you friends but who can really control the mind from thinking what can happen?. I can only say it was my way to console me. It felt really good holding hands and be on that scary ride…well as the pendulum ride was in it 180 degree swing I was scared and caught on to the safety latch like I have never hold anything so tightly……and then suddenly………….
Everything went blank…the screaming the lights everything…for a few seconds I was numb….i was only able to feel the rain drops hitting my face and the breeze against my hair……as the ride took another sweep to push me to the top I suddenly realized I am still alive…I have always been alive and some how I was able to feel the rush of blood in my heart. At once an answer came from within me "yes" this is what I was looking for , freak out when you have the best of your buddies near you…I realized I was the luckiest person alive…..and as the ride took a plunge into the depths a shriek came out of my mouth it was the loudest I have shouted in years I found my grip on the safety latch loosing…and the next moment I was shouting like I never had and my hands were free capturing every little amount of air it can….! It was my day my day with my friends my adventure my way of freaking out……
I realized the place never mattered at all .All that mattered ever was who I am with . After that ride I was on the top of the world….! I had an evening like I never had in my life rain dancing, splashing water ,eating, boating and at the most freaking. I love my friends and most of all I love their company...I don’t think anyone else would have given me the same feeling of being free……I was once again alive breathing and I was able to feel the world around me……..thanks a lot……….but wait whom I am thanking???? They are a part of me now and do you ever thank you hands for letting you pick up the food to your mouth…….??
The only words I have is ……….ROCKON friends…we will have many more moments like this in our life..And we will be together…… tomorrow always……….love you………..
Karan—the Kauwa
Deepak—the Bunny
Shivi—the Princess
goodness dude dis ws awesom...
best one can describe dat day in mere words ; best part ws abt dat dying 2gathr thing(though i lov lif 2gathr evn mor :) ) ;
one thing i would lik to add is our shirt, chaddis nd things ;) didnt get dry demselves bt it ws one freezing ride in metro,where every few minuted v repeated lik holy verse promise to liv togethr always til da end of lif or earth itself :D nd to never ever let wilderness in our hearts die...lov ya all
now thats our Rajjo - THE DARK CHOCOLATE ... someone none of us can do without.
well.. u described our freakish trip 2 adventure island more poetically than anyone else can. the day was super cool,, full on masti and that pendulum ride gave us a kinda thrill we never had togethr.. nd those popcorn we relished were never so yummy (firstly coz we were dying with hunger secondly nd most importantly they were free of cost). it was a day we'll cherish throughout life.. it strengthened our bond of togtherness even more.
hope we've many more such days full of wilderness.. so that ur insanity levels remain under check... ha ha ha ;-D
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